This year i used dried palm tree parts as a main material. They almost looked like a drift wood, inside was dark brown and outside had smooth and beautifully preserved stripes. If you try to buy them in 28th street, they would've cost fortune! But the ones i used were actually from my mother-in-low Mary Ellen, she brought them to me all the way from Florida! She said she knew i would love them and use them for Ikebana when she saw them in the park where she was having a walk. Well, you were right Mary Ellen. I loved them. Those two pieces inspired me to create this work.
A lot of people came to see our ikebana arrangements this year as well. I hope everyone who visited enjoyed our show and get inspired by the beauty of Ikebana.
Thank you so much Sensei (Mrs. Allinder) for this wonderful opportunity to exhibit.
Thank you Mary Ellen for supporting my ikebana creation.
and Thank you my husband William for taking care of Layla while i was gone for 4 days to do this event. I really appreciate your support and understanding. You are the super daddy and husband! I love you so much.

By Mrs. Allinder

By Jin

By Mrs. Ikura

By Mika

By Mrs. Abe

By Lily

By Casey

By Maye

By Catharine

By Sue